There and Back Again

Hello from sunny California!  Yes, I’m back home, living with my parents again and desperately looking for some part-time work before school starts again.  My travels are over (for now), but I have plenty of stories and photos that I’ve yet to share, mostly just because I got so caught up with schoolwork and just trying to make the most of what little time I had left with an amazing group of friends that I might never see again, despite how much I hope that’s not the case. 

I want to focus a lot more on my writing skills as well, and every time I started trying to write a new post, it just felt like I was lacking the appropriate words to describe my experiences.  There are so many gorgeous, fantastic travel blogs in the world, so what do I have that sets me apart?  Developing a real personal writing voice, telling people a story rather than just rambling about stuff I saw, entertaining and not just informing–that’s my goal.  I know I have a few solid followers–people who have “liked” a lot of my previous posts, for which I’m grateful.  But I have a favor to ask: for the sake of improving my blog, I’d love to get some real comments and feedback–what you liked, what you thought was boring or blah.  Or if you have questions or even just want to say hi!  I’d love to get to know some fellow bloggers.

Now, enough of that.  For your enjoyment, I have created a video for an aspect of traveling that is very near and dear to my heart: the food!

About secretforkeeps

Hello! I'm just an amateur blogger and photographer who enjoys travel and learning languages. I'm currently back in the US and use my blog to record my past adventures and plan for the future ones. ;)
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4 Responses to There and Back Again

  1. MaitoMike says:

    Hahaha hot pot! Good stuff. And fresh coconut.. haven’t had that since Malaysia. You have me hungry now. Mission accomplished? =P

    • Mission accomplished. 😉 I should have put a warning on the video: Do not watch on an empty stomach!

      • MaitoMike says:

        Haha that would’ve been fair! I’ve tried so many of the foods, but some are still listed on my bucket list. I’d eat anything and everything at least once! I couldn’t tell what that lady made. Was it a crepe or dosa? Perhaps neither?

      • Same, I normally eat vegetarian, but will eat anything for the sake of trying it at least once. 😛

        And neither! I actually don’t remember the name (sorry), but I ate it in China (if you’re talking about the part I think you’re talking about) and I suppose it’s similar to a savory crepe? But not quite.

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